We are a pair of filmmakers looking for ways to bust up old ideas on how people create films. We are at the initial stage of our journey, and we are not going to sit around throwing ideas at each other of what story to make. Instead we thought, how about we meet strangers and let them share something that has been on their mind and we can shape bits, some, all, parts, portions, pixels of that into a work of fiction. Allowing us to use the essence of many stories to create the narrative of a film.
We will be travelling all around Europe and further to meet with you, have a night of partying on us, then the next morning in return you tell us a story, about your life, that you are willing to share.
We are looking for people who recently moved to the country, would like to have a night out (possibly cos’ big cities/little villages/large towns/cul de sac’s/caves/treetops/planets are a little lonely) on us and are willing to challenge themselves into opening up in return. We promise total anonymity for the gift of your story.
1. Applicant must have relocated into the city, town, country within the past few months from a distance of no less than 80,5 kilometers.
2. One night – food, accommodation and drinks are on us.
3. One story – to be told the next morning about whatever you wish but must be real. We are mostly interested in people who are willing to share something they have wanted to get out of their head/ off their chest for a long time. Stories do not necessarily have to be dramatic, comedic, tragic but they must be honest.
4. Accommodation – same place overnight with your own room.
5. Over 21 and no drugs involved.
6. In the want to create a traditional night out with friends we will be having a fun time, going to different bars and tasting delicious drinks, however in the interest of all none of this will be recorded.
7. Applicant must be able to communicate in English.
8. The process is about anonymity and a time that will only exist in our memories as nothing will be recorded from the encounter.
Meet us:
London – 2017 February 2-3 (application deadline 24th of January)
Berlin – 2017 February 6-7 (application deadline 24th of January)
Our first visits will be to London and Berlin. If you live outside of these areas we are still interested in coming to you, at a later date. Please tell us where you are and we will endeavor to make the pilgrimage to your new home town. Check back for updates.
To apply, please send a short reason as to why you moved to the place you have now settled in, to:
Can’t wait to meet you!
Chris Leaney and Zygintas Papartis